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Avengers 2 Age of Ultron Review

avengersThe wait is over the Avengers 2 is in theaters tomorrow May,1,2015.  C2E2 Chicago’s version of Comic Con really got me pumped up for this.  Everybody asks me two questions, was the movie good and was it better than the first Avengers? The answer is yes and no.  This movie was good, action packed and I’m sure it’s going to be one of the biggest blockbusters movies of 2015; its between the Avengers 2 and Fast and Furious 7.  After I give my review I’ll say which movie  I thought was better between the two blockbusters.

The Avengers was as much action as you expect with the latest CGI.  I didn’t like Ultron. He seemed like a cheesy bad guy.  I like his premise and his origin story of how he came into existence.  But, a completely CGI villain fighting a guy with long blonde hair in a cape. Its kind of (for lack of a better word) lame.  Luckily, The Twins were in this movie, to really kick some butt.  I really like their abilities.  The Twins gave the Avengers a lot of problems.  When it came to the actual plot of this movie, even though they threw in new terminology, it boiled down to track em ,find em, kill em.

They tried to do character development with Hawkeye and Black Widow, but failed miserably.  The Hulk smash everything up had some great fighting scenes. I really like the action scenes with Iron Man. They took out the whole running out of power thing, Tony  learned to charge his batteries before he goes to war.  Don’t get me wrong, this movie was good but it wasn’t GREAT, it wasn’t a classic; Like the first Iron Man one or  first Thor or Guardians of the Galaxy.  The Avengers have lost some of their luster.  Disney is going to have to pay for great writers next time if they decide to do a third movie. Overall I give the movie at 7.9 out of 10. When it comes to special effects, explosions, and action, Avengers 2 definitely delivers.  But, the storyline is kind of boring.  The bad guy, Ultron is kind of lame.  James Spader did a good job with the voice over.  I wish James Spader was actually in the movie, he’s a great actor.  With that being said I’m going to have to give Fast and Furious 7 the slight edge over Avengers 2.  They both were great movies and probably the biggest blockbusters in 2015.  What do you think was the best movie of 2015 so far leave a comment below.

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