Urban Graphic Artists Create Web Comic
We got to catch up with Jason Chatonda from Team X Visual. Jason told us about a new Web Comic series that his studio has created called X-Key. X-Key has been released as an online comic book. After checking it out at HighOctaneRevolution.com I do have to admit it has a very nice story line. It’s about a girl named X-Key living in a post-apocalyptic world, and dealing with of the rules of a world government and the brutality of the know as the “Free States.” There’s a lot of metaphors to things happening today. Very action packed and paced really well.
I knew I would like the comic after talking to Jason for a while, and we had an in depth conversation / debate on whether Dragon Ball Super was better than Dragon Ball GT. Jason made some really good points and made me look at Dragon Ball Super in a totally different way. The take away from that debate was that Team X Visual understands the need of a great story line, great action, and
solid character development.
Jason told me that Team X Visual has been to C2E2 which is basically Chicago version of Comic Con. They are expanding their online brand with over 5000 followers on Instagram in under a year. I definitely think we are in the beginning stages of an empire. Make sure you show your support follow them on all the social media sites and check out their website too HighOctaneRevolution.com