Mayor Emanuel Speaks at Women of Excellence Award

CSC_0686Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel spoke at the Chicago Defenders 50 Women of Excellence Award 2015.  The Chicago defender held the event at the Hyatt Regency Hotel downtown Chicago.  The Chicago Defender has been a prominent magazine in Chicago since 1905.  Willard Motley and Langston Hughes have both written for the Defender.

Cheryl Mainor (publisher of the Chicago Defender) introduced the Mayor on stage.  Mayor Emanuel wasted no time and got down to business.  Not only did Mayor give personal honorable mentions to three women that helped Chicago, but Mayor Emanuel also spoke about violence in Chicago and honored the mothers that lost their children to shootings in Chicago.

The mayor gave a special honorable mention to Michelle T. Boone for the event planning she has done throughout Chicago.  Also for the jobs training programs she has setup all over the city of Chicago.  In addition to that, Michelle T Boone has also reinstated arts and music back into the school system for the youth.

Felicia Davis received an honorable mention for the Mayor, for rewriting the rules in the building department, to help development buildings through Chicago; which brings more jobs and business into Chicago.

A few other women that were honored at the event were: Linda Johnson Rice, Eva Brown, Dawn Hines, Theresa Fambo Hooks, Ingrid Morris, Kimberly A. Cook, Caryn Lee, and Alderman Pat Dowell

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