Donald Trump Coming to Chicago
Donald Trump will be visiting the windy city Chicago, at the UIC Pavilion on March 11th 2016, tickets are available here. Donald Trump has been gaining momentum as he got the most delegates on super Tuesday on the Republican side of things. Illinois traditionally has been a democratic state. But, recently has elected a republican governor. And for the first time Illinois doesn’t have a budget, and hasn’t had a budget since July 2015.
Hypothetically speaking, if Trump is elected president he would have to show the ability to work with Democrats so the same situation that’s happening in Illinois now (with no budget) doesn’t happen Nationwide. A lot of people think if Trump is elected president, the Democrats would not work with him at all. That is definitely an issue that Trump is going to have to address when he comes to Illinois. A lot of people are not happy with Republican Governor Bruce Rauner. Hillary Clinton has already come to Illinois and bashed the governor at one of her speeches. Mr. Trump also, has to address his immigration reform policy. Some positivity that Trump does have on his side, is people in Illinois want to see change. And they might be open to an outsider coming in and changing things.
Financially Illinois is in a deficit, billions of dollars and Donald Trump does have a proven track record of business success. So if anything, Donald Trump does know how to balance a budget. But, his downfall is what polarizes him and give him his greatest strength also gives him he is most critics. Can Donald Trump work with Democrats? Can Donald Trump act more presidential? How specifically would Mr. Trump bring down the national debt? These questions and more I hopefully will we get an answer to Friday afternoon during his Chicago Rally.