I usually end reviews with my official review, but in this case I think I should start with my review. I think baby driver was a good film.  It was a breath of fresh air, to have something different you’ve never seen before.  Brand new characters and a brand-new premise with a Boy Meets Girl old school vibe. The marketing for this film was pretty good and Rotten Tomatoes is currently giving it 99%.  So my expectations of this film was (classic and perfection) pretty high. And although this movie is good, its not perfect.


And you’ll like this film as much as you like the music in the movie. If you’re not in to 70s light rock, which is what most of the music is ,especially in the car chase scenes, it could take away from the chase scenes. So this film is totally subjective. Even though I like the movie, I can see certain people not liking it as much as I did. I think that the budget wouldn’t allow for more popular songs that are on universally liked.


As you see from the trailer baby listens to music during car chases to drown out the tone in his ears. Even though this is new concept, after a while it got a little old; but not too much.  Because the car chase scenes are action-packed and leave you wanting more. I would say Kevin Spacey’s character was supposed to be the Mastermind so he should have foreseen the ending and prevented it. Everything you think is going to happen in this movie pretty much does. There’s no surprises script wise.


As far as the direction of the movie I could I’ve changed a couple of things for example, the movie span was 3-5 days total it’s not realistic that you meet somebody fall in love with them and have them run away with you after 3 days. But most people won’t recognize or care about those script potholes the film overall would be 8.5 out of 10.

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