Old School Vs New School Marketing

oldschooltwitterI want to compare the use of a digital marketing campaign to a traditional campaign.  By traditional marketing campaign I mean: magazine ads, TV ads, radio ads,  billboards, flyers, brochures, etc.  I also want to keep the budgets the exact same for the comparison.  For example if you have $50,000 for advertisement for radio and TV, want to compare that to a $50,000 for digital advertisement.  The second distinction I want to make is when social media is referenced, its for advertisement specifically on social media websites is not for social media management.  Social media management and social media advertisement are two different (and equally important) things. If you want to learn about the importance of social media management click here. (INSERT ARTICLE LINK)

The ability to instantly track your customers.  With radio or TV advertisement it takes months to get the limited information about your customers.  Online you get instant analytics constantly updating and feeding you metadata about your customers.  You can know everything about every customer, all given to you for free or at a extremely low cost.

Ad Targeting
Once you have the metadata from your customers and know which demographic translates the best, you can target those people. Once again you can do this on a limited basis with traditional advertisement.  For example, if you make a radio ad for car lot.  Theoretically you could, put the ad on a radio station that plays classical music.  People that listen to classical music are usually in a higher tax bracket.  But, what if you wanted to only target 43 year old women there were within a 3 mile radius of the car lot.  it’s a lot easier to do that with digital marketing campaign.  Once again going back to the analytics, you would know that your best customer is a 43 year old woman in a three mile radius, based off of the conversion rate you’re getting from analytics.

Using the example of somebody with a smaller budget of only $100.  If they bought $100 worth of flyers and they put it on people’s windshields.  At 2 o’clock in the morning you can’t be putting flyers on peoples cars.  But if you had a ad set up and it will be working around the clock for you.  Even while you’re sleeping you’re building your customer base.  You can automatically set those ads to post during the best time periods to ensure the highest conversion rates.

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