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Rauner issues medical marijuana licenses


MedicalMarijuanaIllinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner has been getting a lot of negative press lately.  Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis has some pretty harsh words for him. Saying “Bruce Rauner ran on a platform about nothing and has wasted no time attacking wages of working class people.” The new Illinois governor stop a new law that would raise the minimum wage (for contractors)to $10 per hour.  Some people say this was a political maneuver from Pat Quinn on his way out the door.  Knowing that Rauner when have to repeal the law.  Another law the former governor of Illinois approved was making marijuana legal for medical use if you had a pre-existing condition, and prescription from a doctor. But a lot of people thought when the new governor got into office that he wouldn’t approve any of the licenses (Him being republican and all).  I guess after all that negative press that Rauner had this past month he said I’ma give the people what they want.  And as of February 2nd:

Chicago will get 13 dispensary licenses to sell medical marijuana and one cultivation license to grow marijuana.  That is great news for all of you medical marijuana seeking stoners.  One of the medical marijuana clinics were in a former pizza place in Andersonville.  The dispensary licenses were given out all over Chicago from north in Lake Township to south in Hyde Park , the Harborside Illinois Grown Medicine INC,  an alternative health food store also got a license.  I think decriminalizing marijuana will bring crime rates down so this is very good in my opinion.  If you can go to store buy something there’s no reason to go to the drug dealer or do an illegal crime to obtain it.  So I guess we won’t get a better standard of living but at least we can get high, finally a win for the little guys.


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